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Conure Parrots For Sale Online

Buy Conure Parrots For Sale Online. Conures can be very playful, very cuddly, and, at times, very loud. A conure parrot is more inclined to be curious and bold instead of shy and cautious. Conures are active and busy birds that need plenty of toys and other forms of enrichment to keep them happily occupied throughout the day.

A conure can make a great family pet because of its playful and outgoing personality. In a family situation, children should be taught how to respectively interact with the conure, including proper handling and not forcing interaction. A conure loves to be where its people are or on them; even going so far as to climb under their owner’s shirt, head poking out of the collar, during cuddle time.

Some conures will dance back and forth, and might even mimic its person’s movements. Conures can also be taught to perform tricks on cue if trained using positive enforcement.

Speech & Sound

A conure’s signature sound is a high-pitched screech, which is often emitted when the bird is excited, startled, and/or when it wants attention. Many owners make the mistake of inadvertently reinforcing a conure’s screech by running over to the cage or otherwise giving the bird direct attention whenever it begins to screech. Conures are capable of talking and, although their vocabularies are not as extensive as that of other parrot species, they can learn to speak a few words and phrases.

Health & Common Conditions

Conure Parrots can be prone to feather picking. If a complete medical exam rules out medical causes of feather plucking, boredom and/or lack of appropriate mental stimulation can be a cause. Offer your conure an enriched environment with plenty of opportunities for play and exercise, as well as a staple supply of safe items to chew. Conures are also susceptible to Proventricular Dilatation Disease (PDD), Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease, Psittacosis, beak malocclusion, and Aspergillosis. Regular health checkups by an avian veterinarian are crucial to your conure’s health, as they can help diagnose and treat many disease processes early on.

Get a Conure Parrot Online From Us

Conures are available for sale in large pet stores, as well as from avian specialty stores and through bird breeders. They are also often available for adoption from avian rescue and adoption organizations. A hand-raised, people-socialized conure can make an excellent family pet. Here available are Blue Crowned ConureGreen Cheeked ConureGolden Conure, and many more.

Conures Parrots

Blue Crown Conure


Conures Parrots

Logan – Golden Conure


Conures Parrots

Nanday Conure Parrots
